Enviro-News June 2014
June 2nd, 2014

June, 2014
Sponsored by Daemen College’s Center for Sustainable Communities and Civic Engagement and Global & Local Sustainability Program
Newsletter Contents:
- Articles- including events, courses, local news, grants, positions
- Upcoming Activities
- Tips to Help the Environment
For the full Newletter, Click Here: http://fileserver.daemen.edu/~byoung/news-june14.pdf
Congress for the New Urbanism
Congress for The New Urbanism is coming to Buffalo with events from June 2-8, 2014. CNU promotes walkable, mixed-use neighborhood development, sustainable communities and healthier living conditions. The annual Congress for the New Urbanism (CNU) is the leading venue for new urbanist networking, collaboration, and education. Info, here. Attend an event: many are free and open to the public -- even the Opening plenary (Wed, June 4, 5:15, Convention Center) by Ken Greenberg, who planned the Brooklyn Bridge Park. Tours are available-options at website. And don't miss the Closing Party at Larkin Square (Sat, June 7, 6:00-10:30). Look for food trucks, live music and a chance to hobnob with all your new urbanist friends.
WNY PRISM Full Partnership Meeting
WNY PRISM (Partnership for Regional Invasive Species Management) is holding its first Full Partnership Meeting on Thursday, June 5th from 6 – 8 pm at Cornell Cooperative Extension Office, 21 South Grove Street, East Aurora, NY 14052. This meeting will serve as an introduction to WNY PRISM as well as an opportunity for everyone interested and involved in invasive species management to learn about partners, partnerships and projects, current and potential! Everyone is welcome and encouraged to attend! For more information and to RSVP, please contact Andrea Locke, WNY PRISM Coordinator (lockeas@buffalostate.edu).
Just Transition: Good Jobs and Health Communities Conference
Join Clean Air: Organizing for Health and Justice for the Just Transition: Good Jobs and Health Communities Conference on June 7, 2014. The conference will feature some of the nation’s leading experts in movement building, coal finance, just transition, renewable energy, and sustainable and democratic community development.
Participation is free, but registration is required and space is limited. Register today at www.justtransition.com. The conference kicks off at 10am, will conclude with a happy hour at 5:30 and will be hosted at the NYSUT offices at 270 Essjay in Amherst. Questions? Call Clean Air at 716-852-3813.
Bird Fest
Roger Tory Peterson Institute of Natural History will host Bird Fest for people of all ages and birding skill levels on June 6 and 7. The event features a variety of bird walks in Western New York and Northwestern Pennsylvania with trip leaders from diverse avian backgrounds, as well as a compelling keynote speaker Joel Greenberg from the world of bird research and nature writing. Register by clicking this link . To see field trip descriptions and to register for Bird Fest, click here: RTP Bird Fest 2014
Penn Dixie Nature Cruise & Buffalo Lighthouse Tour
Tour will be held on Sunday, June 8, 2014. Boarding for the cruise will begin at 8:30 AM at the entrance to the Erie Basin Marina, departure is promptly at 9 AM, and return to the dock at 12 Noon. After the cruise, participants will be provided maps for directions to the U.S. Coast Guard Station for a tour of the Buffalo Lighthouse, courtesy of the Buffalo Lighthouse Association. Experts in aquatic biology, birding, fisheries, and geology will provide information on the formation of the lake and river, the fishing, birding opportunities, and features along the waterfront. After the cruise, a board member of the Buffalo Lighthouse Association, Inc. will provide a tour and discussion on the restoration of the Buffalo Lighthouse. This is a rare opportunity to view Buffalo from the top of this classic and prominent Buffalo historic treasure. Info at www.penndixie.org.
Become a Master Naturalist
A Master Naturalist Program will be offered June 12-14 at Camp Turner in Salamanca. Through the Master Naturalist Program, participants will learn about the ecosystems of New York State, the animals and plants that inhabit our ecosystems, and current conservation issues affecting our wildlife and natural resources. The program includes a mix of indoor classroom presentations and outdoor hands-on field sessions where participants learn to identify a variety of plants and animals and understand key ecological processes. Participants completing this weekend-long course will become “Naturalists Trainees”, and no further training is required. Individuals interested in becoming a “Master Naturalist” may go on to complete additional coursework, plus 30 hours of volunteer work on a project or projects of her/his choice. There is no time limit for completing the requirements. Camp Turner is next to the Allegany State Park in Cattaraugus County. Fee ($100) includes all meals plus overnight stay for Thursday nd Friday nights. https://cornell.qualtrics.com/SE/?SID=SV_beCLIzoG69rOeuV
Wine and Wags
The annual SPCA fundraiser “Wine and Wags” for pooches and adult is June 11 from 5:30-8pm on the SPCA lawn. for the 9th annual Wine and Wags Social presented by Premier. Enjoy 50+ wine and beer samples and pup-friendly vendors! There will also be live music by the Stamplickers plus a fantastic silent auction with restaurants certificates, an overnight stay in Ellicottville, Sabres and Bisons tickets, and more. Click here to make your Wine and Wags reservations! Dogs of all ages are welcome but not required; people must be 21 or older to attend.
League of Women Voters of Buffalo/Niagara Annual League Luncheon
You are invited to the Annual League of Women Voters’ Luncheon on June 14 at noon at Protocol Restaurant. The theme “Celebrate Service” is especially appropriate as they recognize Bill Nowak, leader for environmental and social justice issues, as recipient of the League of Women Voters Making Democracy Work Award. This award pays tribute to a local citizen for outstanding efforts to uphold democratic ideals in our community. The featured speaker is Mike Connelly, Editor, The Buffalo News. Reservations are $30 and profits will be used for our local League Education activities that include publication of the 2014 Voters Guide; 2014 They Represent You, a brochure providing contact information for elected officials; and First Vote, a pamphlet distributed to new citizens at monthly naturalization ceremonies and at voter registration drives. Return Form for Reservations: Click Here
Meander in the Woods
Friends of Reinstein Woods invites the public to “Meander in the Woods” on Saturday, June 14 from 12:30 p.m. to 4:00 p.m. at Reinstein Woods Nature Preserve in the town of Cheektowaga. The event will raise funds to support environmental education programs at Reinstein Woods. Attendees will stroll a “sweet and savory” midday snack trail to sample delicacies which include ingredients that also grow wild in Reinstein Woods. Dan Laboski will entertain the crowd with live Folk, Americana and Easy-Listening music. Tickets are $30 in advance and are available at the Reinstein Woods Environmental Education Center, 93 Honorine Drive, Depew or by calling 683-5959. For a ticket order form that can be mailed, visit http://reinsteinwoods.org/events/meander-woods/.
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