Samantha - Homeowner
"The Hazman employees were friendly and made it so easy for me to get rid of the garbage that's been in my garage for the past 20 years! "
John Walzak, Marketing Manager for Habitat for Humanity ReStore
"I first worked with Hazman to tap their expertise in helping us deal with paint donations we could not use, especially oil based paint and partial cans of latex paint. They clarified our responsibilities, offered solutions and created a program where usable latex paint Hazman receives is donated to the Habitat for Humanity Buffalo ReStore. Not only is the Hazman team friendly and knowledgeable, they also produce results. "
Daniel Borchert - Clerk / Treasurer for the Village of Akron
"The residents of the Village of Akron / Town of Newstead were asking our community leaders how to properly dispose of Household Hazardous Waste. We were introduced to Hazman and we conducted our first Household Hazardous Waste Recycling Event in November 2012. We were just overwhelmed with the community participation and the great Hazman staff that helped make the initial event of huge success. We conducted two additional events in 2013 and they went smoothly as well. We were very impressed with the professionalism of the staff and support and we look forward to continuing to work with Hazman for future events."
Linda Birkinbine, MLS, CPO - Keep It Organized, LLC
"Thank you Hazman! Your services are invaluable helping my clients clear the hazardous clutter in their homes easily and responsibly. I especially appreciate scheduling a "pick up" of oftentimes heavy and dirty "stuff" such as pesticides, paint, varnishes, oils, fire extinguishers, etc. I will continue to recommend your business often! See how Linda can help you organize your home further at www.keepitorganized.com"
Donna - Homeowner
"I cannot express to you the appreciation I feel for your prompt and perfect solution to the problem of removing my Dad's old oils, etc. from his home. I have given your brochures to friends and also our real estate agent - she will probably send business your way! Thank you, again!"
Judy - Event Participant
"Made an appt in Niagara Falls to drop off household hazardous waste & electronics that had accumulated in my parents basement for years . The entire process was simple, efficient and took less than 30 mins start to finish. The "crew" was well organized, friendly and worked diligently to keep the lines moving. This is an excellent service. Thank you to everyone who worked that day "